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How has license plate design changed through the years?

I’m finding that Tom, George and Jim’s book has a wealth of information about U.S. license plates in general. Even though the book is titled Colorado  License Plates The First 100 Years 1013-2013, much of the information in the book can be applied to the history of all U.S. license plates but with variations showing […]

When was the first license plate issued in the United States?

  Once again, the intro to Tom, George and Jim’s book Colorado  License Plates The First 100 Years 1013-2013 provides an accurate and comprehensive response to this question.  “On April 25, 1901, New York, through an action of its legislature, became the first state to require vehicle registration.  Early plates were owner-provided, bearing only the […]

What’s the history of license plates?

The Roman Empire may have had numbers on their chariots but this has not been verified. Internationally, we have been told that the first license plate was issued in Luxembourg in 1895. We do not have the research that was done to establish this information. What may, or may not, have continued in some form for […]

Delaware low number license plates

Tom received his April 2016 PLATES magazine issue last week and showed me an article about Delaware license plates  that is worth mentioning. Delaware plates are unique because the rights to use the number, not the actual plate, can be inherited, transferred or sold to another owner. The lower the number of the plate, the […]